School and college events

Signposting and Storytelling are two of the four pillars underpinning the Apprenticeships Ambassadors Network (AAN). Here we show you how apprentices in the SW-AAN share their apprenticeship stories with young people, their parents, carers and teachers, through a variety of live and virtual events. Read more about the AAN here and the SW-AAN here.

How the SW-AAN work with local school and college students

Apprentice Ambassadors can attend in person or dial-in remotely to careers fairs, classroom workshops, and assemblies to share their experience of the workplace and tell their story to inspire and inform young people.  Read more about how the SW-AAN work with local schools here.

How local schools can book the SW-AAN for students

Schools in the South-West can access a wide range of Apprentice Ambassadors on different apprenticeships and at different levels right across the region.  There are various ways to contact the SW-AAN, but typically via the local ASK Provider. Discover the regional offer and contact the regional ASK lead here.

The apprenticeships careers agenda

Schools and colleges welcome the opportunity to present a wide variety of options to students, but it is useful to understand the relevant careers agenda:

  • Gatsby Benchmarks – read more here including:
    • The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks highlight ‘good careers work’ and provide a structure for careers provision in schools and colleges.
    • Relevant benchmark: Encounters with employers and employees
    • Potentially also: Experiences of workplaces
  • Careers Guidance (July-21) – read more here including:
    • Every school should be using the Gatsby Benchmarks to develop a careers programme that increases opportunities for students.
    • Schools must provide opportunities for a range of education and training providers to access all year 8 to 13 pupils to inform them about approved technical education, qualifications and apprenticeships.
    • Ofsted Handbook updated to highlight the importance of meeting the requirements of this legislation.
    • Increasing need for schools and colleges to work in partnership with employers, careers advisers, local authorities and other education and training providers to support students to prepare for the workplace and to make informed choices about the next step in their education or training.
  • The Skills for Jobs white paper (Jan-21) – read more here including:
    • Schools and colleges should always focus on the student and what is best for them.
    • Although our universities are world-class, it is not the only choice: in many cases, a college course or apprenticeship can offer better outcomes.
    • Continue to extend the support that is proven to accelerate progress against the Gatsby Benchmarks to more schools and colleges.

How the SW-AAN work with local providers

Apprentice Ambassadors can attend in person or dial-in remotely to careers and apprenticeships fairs to share their experience of the workplace and tell their story to inspire and inform young people.  Read more about how the SW-AAN work with local apprenticeship providers here.

How to book the SW-AAN for apprenticeships fairs

Apprenticeship providers, Local Enterprise Partnerships, Local Authorities, and others arranging jobs fairs in the South-West can access a wide range of Apprentice Ambassadors on different apprenticeships and at different levels right across the region.  There are various ways to contact the SW-AAN, but typically via the local SW-AAN Leadership Team here.

Support for Career Changer events

We have access to hundreds of apprentices via our Employer Ambassadors, each with their own case study and story to tell. We welcome opportunities for these apprentices to work with career changers and older candidates, including via Job Centre events and Bootcamps. For details, please Contact Us.